Abstracts shall not exceed 500 words written in MS Word or a compatible format. State the name(s) of author(s) [the name of presenting author should be underlined], institute, city, country and email address shall be provided in the submission of abstract through the congress website. Abstract submissions can be sent to the website of the Secretariat of the Organizing Committee through Congress. The corresponding author can indicate whether he/she wants to present his/her paper as oral or poster. The corresponding author shall register for the Congress in following 15 days after his/her abstract’s acceptance. Otherwise, the abstracts will not be included in the program. All accepted abstracts will be published in a special Book of Abstracts and/or in CD. Accepted abstracts will be available on the Congress website after acceptance. The last day of the publishing of the abstracts on congress website is 20th October 2022. The final version of congress program will be on the web page 15 days before beginning of the Congress.Example
Marker-assisted selection: an approach for precision plant breeding in the twenty-first centuryBertrand C.Y Collard and David J Mackill*
Plant Breeding, Genetics and Biotechnology Division, International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) DAPO Box 7777, Metro Manila, The Philippines
Author for correspondence (d.mackill@cgiar.org)
DNA markers have enormous potential to improve the efficiency and precision of conventional plant breeding via marker-assisted selection (MAS). The large number of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) mapping studies for diverse crops species have provided an abundance of DNA marker–trait associations. In this review, we present an overview of the advantages of MAS and its most widely used applications in plant breeding, providing examples from cereal crops. We also consider reasons why MAS has had only a small impact on plant breeding so far and suggest ways in which the potential of MAS can be realized. Finally, we discuss reasons why the greater adoption of MAS in the future is inevitable, although the extent of its use will depend on available resources, especially for orphan crops, and may be delayed in less-developed countries. Achieving a substantial impact on crop improvement by MAS represents the great challenge for agricultural scientists in the next few decades.Keywords:
marker-assisted selection plant breeding QTL mapping marker-assisted backcrossing pyramiding early generation selection.
Review of the Abstracts
Abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee of the Congress. If the corresponding author has already made a selection between oral or poster, it will be considered by the Committee. If the submissions are not accepted for oral presentation, the corresponding author will have the opportunity either to accept poster presentation or withdraw his/her submission.For technical assistance or questions during abstract submission contact Minduce IT Solutions Ltd. by calling phone: +90 216 410 44 14, 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. (EET), Monday-Friday.
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Oral Presentation Guidline Poster Presentation Guidline